Small-series production with 3D printing: Additive manufacturing of thin-walled fluorescent tube fixtures for the onboard information displays of ICE trains with EOS Systems
Conflux Technology has patented a highly efficient, compact heat exchanger design that derives its performance from a geometry that can only be made using additive manufacturing (AM).
Experts from Sogethi High Teck succeeded in developing a cable mount on the front spar of the vertical stabilizer for the passenger aircraft in record time with EOS technology and expertise.
The BionicBee drone is small, ultra-light and can fly automomusly in swarm. Thanks to FDR technology the frame weight was reduced by 75 % to just 3 grams.
By integrating EOS 3D printing technology, South Korean eyewear manufacturer Breezm significantly reduced its time-to-market from 6 months to just weeks, delivering customized orders on demand.
Additive Manufacturing Technology for the Perfect Dive Light
CASE STUDY | Canto & Thor
Using additive manufacturing Canto produces a robust dive light with functional integration. A particularly stable and at the same time lighter weight dive light was the result.
Rapid and cost-efficient production of a series production-ready, drinking water-approved shower head for dogs, made from just a few components, offering quality, design, and convenience functions that will impress dogs and their owners alike.
With 3D printing on additive manufacturing machines Hoet is able to produce eyeglass frames with complex designs and on demand at the same time. This shortens the time-to-market and reduces storage costs.
APS offers a variety of intelligent tools, including steerable drill motors, vibration dampers, modelling and analysis tools, and logging sensors, in addition to its MWD systems.
When conventionally stacked, PCBs can no longer accommodate all of the necessary components, so that the three-dimensional circuit carriers become the solution of choice.
Based on the example of gripper systems, they partnered together to solve the problem of automating efficient development and design processes while also eliminating the need for specific 3D design or CAD knowledge.
Solutions for a More Economic Small Batch Production
Fast and economic small batch production of complex components using a FORMIGA P 100 supplied by EOS. Production of a bionic gripper that can reliably pick up and safely put down objects gently and flexibly.
Tangible success: Build a lightweight grip system with integrated functionality capable of moving the required loads over a minimum of 5 million operating cycles
3D Printing for High Performance Industrial Gas Turbines
CASE STUDY | Siemens
Innovation for maintenance of high performance industrial gas turbines. Siemens industrial turbomachinery counts on EOS 3D printing technology and customized services.
Payr, an Austrian engineering service provider, succeeded in reducing the manufacturing cost of fiber molds for pulp molding production by at least 50 % compared to traditional methods. This development renders 3D-printed molds a viable option for packaging small quantities or variants.
By adopting in-house additive manufacturing (AM), Atlas Copco was able to keep up with the growing demand for flexibility, speed, and efficiency and unlocked significant cost savings, reduced waste, and dramatically shortened lead times.
Ortoplus’ innovative nylon splints improved quality of life for 75,000 patients worldwide. With a high dimensional accuracy of less than ±0.1mm they are enhancing the fit and comfort of splints.
Save Time and Improve Outcome of Spinal Fusion Surgery
CASE STUDY | Anatomics
Anatomics’ SpineBox™ method of pre-planning surgery and of manufacturing customized devices has the potential to realize significant time and cost benefits for the healthcare system.
Developing Biocompatible Material for Additively Manufactured Medical Implants
CASE STUDY | University of Michigan
The University of Michigan uses a FORMIGA P 100 to produce individualized and lifesaving implants for children. Together with EOS they develop new biocompatible materials.
Custom medical implants that are both efficient and cost-effective for the patient. Additively manufactured bespoke OsseoFrame are an accurate solution for dental prosthetic rehabilitation.
3D Printing for Ariane 6 Propulsion Module Simplified
CASE STUDY | ArianeGroup
Thanks to EOS technology, ArianeGroup has succeded in taking this to a whole new level: Insted of 248 elements, the injector head of a rocket engine of a future upper stage propulsion module now conts just one component.