picture of a satellite in space watching earth

Rocket Engines

Weather data, communications, global positioning systems, global pictures and maps – a growing number of services are taking advantage of small satellites, or in some cases are completely dependent on them. To put these microsatellites into orbit, small launchers are required. Market demand for these launchers are steadily increasing. Over the past few years, this “New Space” industry has blossomed rapidly with many different start-ups and companies specializing in development. The company that successfully launches the largest payload into space with the most efficient engine will win the race.

Additive manufacturing is the key approach to keeping costs low while maintaining an optimal engine design, but this only works if the engine can be 3D printed as a single piece.


3D Printing a Rocket Engine

3D printing offers decisive advantages when building rocket engines. In addition, the functionality of parts can be completely reimagined and reinvented: for example, you can integrate integral cooling channels into a combustion chamber, or consolidate multiple parts into a single all-in-one design.

"Supported by EOS and AMCM, the US start-up company LAUNCHER is working on launching small to medium-sized payloads into space more efficiently than ever before. The results include novel and innovative rocket designs – and the world’s largest rocket engine to ever be manufactured additively in a single piece."

The engine is based on a standard rocket design but is extended with internal ribs for optimal cooling. LAUNCHER successfully constructed, tested and further developed this new design quickly and cost-efficiently, entirely thanks to 3D printing. 

engine fire test

The World’s Largest Single-Piece 3D Printed Rocket Engine

The obstacles included the size of the build space and the difficult material properties. AMCM, a company in the EOS group that offers specialized machines tailored to customer requirements, accepted this challenge.

"The combustion chamber, 3D printed from a copper alloy on AMCM’s M4K machines, is the largest single-piece combustion chamber for liquid rocket engines in the world."

The chamber is 86 cm (34 in) high, with an outlet nozzle diameter of 41 cm (16 in). The booster recently won a $1.5 million prize at the US Air Force Space Pitch Day, which was held to accelerate the development and testing program of the E-2 booster. The first large-scale test runs have already been planned. The animation shows the full combustion chamber with additively and conventionally manufactured parts.

"Traditionally, manufacturing this type of part requires millions of dollars of investment in custom machines. Now, with 3D printing there is the option to print the combustion chamber, nozzle and neck combined into a single piece. Thanks to this progress, our work is easier than ever before."

Max Haot, Founder Launcher

Case Study

Injection Head for Ariane 6 Rocket Engines

The ArianeGroup chose industrial 3D printing to produce a crucial engine component for their new Ariane 6 rocket booster, aiming to consolidate the original 248 parts and lower unit costs. Collaborating with the EOS Additive Minds  team, they analyzed risks, estimated costs, and optimized the production process, including layout design and flow planning. 

The collaboration yielded great outcomes:

  • -2165 hours production time reduced
  • -50 % costs reduced
  • -247 individual parts reduced to a single part
  • functional integration

Watch the video below to find out more.

"The Ariane program combines our innovative strength with the expertise of EOS. Together, we are preparing to additively manufacture the injection head for a rocket engine. The results are impressive – a significantly reduced production time and a 50 % reduction in costs."

Dr.-Ing. Steffen Beyer, Head of Production Technology – Materials & Processes at ArianeGroup

Liquid Rocket Engines

It's a new era of opportunity in rocket propulsion, as engineers enjoy unprecedented design freedom and manufacturing flexibility as they go from concept to functional parts.


picture of a satellite in space watching earth

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