Standorte Weltweit

EOS GmbH - Electro Optical Systems

Robert-Stirling-Ring 1
82152 Krailing
Telefono+49 89 893 36 0

EOS Vertriebs- und Servicebüros & Vertriebspartner Weltweit


Partner vendite

Rapid 3D JV LTD

Unit 5B City Deep Office Park Fortune Street 36
2049 Johannesburg Gauteng, Südafrika
Telefono +27 86 1000 185


Ufficio regionale

EOS Electro Optical Systems (Shanghai) Co., Ltd

1st Floor, Building 5#, Caohejing Guanghua Industry Park, Guanghua Road No.248
200233 Distretto di Minhang, Shanghai, Cina
Telefono +86 21 602 307 00
Ufficio regionale

EOS Electro Optical Systems India Private Limited

Sivananda Nagar Kolathur No.36
600 099 Chennai, India
Telefono +91 76 7650 4594
Ufficio regionale

EOS Electro Optical Systems Japan K K

Plustaria2 Building 3-22-11 Shinyokohama Kohokuku
222-0033 Kanagawaken, Giappone
Telefono +81 45 670 0250
Ufficio regionale

EOS Singapore Pte Ltd.

2 Woodlands Sector 1, #05-09 Woodlands Spectrum 1
738068 Singapore, Singapur
Telefono +65 6430 0463
Ufficio regionale

EOS GmbH Korea Branch Office

Bldg.D, Songdo Smart Valley, 30, Songdomirae-ro, Yeonsu-gu #1906
21990 Incheon, Südkorea
Telefono +82 32 721 5803
Partner vendite

Laser Rapid Production Systems Ltd. (L.R.P.S.)

Teradion Industrial Park, 1 Sagol street, Hightex building
2017400 Misgav, Israele
Telefono +972 49 91 30 20
Partner vendite

Tamkeen Industrial & Trading Company

PO. Box 40335
21499 Gedda, Arabia Saudita
Telefono +966 5631 99399
Partner vendite

Norm 3D

Atatürk Organized Industrial Area 10002 Street No:6A
35620 Çiğli, İzmir, Türkei
Telefono +90 232 3767610


Partner vendite

Additive Australia Pty Ltd

6 Siddeley Court
3172 Dingley Village, VIC, Australien
Telefono +61 408 880 484


Ufficio regionale

EOS GmbH - Innovation Center Düsseldorf

Fichtenstraße 53
D-40233 Düsseldorf, Germania
Telefono +49 211 530 20 30
Ufficio regionale

EOS GmbH - Office Maisach

Lise-Meitner-Straße 7
D-82216 Maisach, Germania
Telefono +49 89 893 36 0
Ufficio regionale

EOS Electro Optical Systems Finland Oy

Lemminkäisenkatu 36
20520 Turku, Finlandia
Telefono + 358 20 765 91 40
Ufficio regionale

EOS Electro Optical Systems S.A.S.

Le Héron Building, avenue René Cassin 28
F-69009 Lione, Francia
Telefono +33 437 497 676
Ufficio regionale

EOS s.r.l. con unico socia Electro Optical Systems

Via Invergio 2
I-20151 Milano, Italia
Telefono +39 023 340 1659
Ufficio regionale

EOS Electro Optical Systems Nordic AB

Östra Hamngatan 17
411 10 Göteborg, Svezia
Telefono +46 31 760 46 40
Ufficio regionale

EOS Electro Optical Systems Ltd.

The Innovation Centre Warwick Technology Park
CV34 6UW Warwick, Vereinigtes Königreich
Telefono +44 1926 675 110
Partner vendite

ERM Automatismes

Allée Bellecour 561
84200 Carpentras, Francia
Telefono +33(0)490600568
Partner vendite


Monastiriou 301
54628 Salonicco, Griechenland
Telefono +(30) 2313 052143
Partner vendite

R.F. Celada S.p.A.

Via Cesare Battisti 156
20093 Cologno Monzese, Italia
Telefono +39 02 251581
Partner vendite

Tehnoprogres d.o.o (Serving the Balkans)

Industrijska 3
10431 Sveta Nedelja-Novaki, Kroatien
Telefono +385 1 37 37 688
Partner vendite

Bibus Menos Sp. z o.o.

ul. Spadochroniarzy 18
80-298 Danzica, Polonia
Telefono +48 58 762 72 07
Partner vendite

B2N Advanced Solutions S.R.L.

Str. Dezrobirii Nr.117, BI. A29, Sc.1, Ap.3
200018 Craiova, Rumänien
Telefono +40 722 319 906
Partner vendite


Obermatt 3
5102 Rupperswil, Svizzera
Telefono +41 62 889 40 91
Partner vendite

RMS Rapid Manufacturing Systems

2º 1º , Carrer de la Diputació, 337
08009 Barcellona, Spagna
Telefono +34 932 46 30 13
Partner vendite

3R Systems s.r.o.

Národní 980
551 01 Jaromer, Tschechien
Telefono 420 491 841 371
Partner vendite

Sinteram Kft.

Kőszeg utca 4
1141 Budapest, Ungarn
Telefono +36 30 241 7813


Ufficio regionale

Advanced Laser Materials (ALM)

3115 Lucius McCelvey
76504 Temple, TX, Vereinigte Staaten
Telefono +1 254 773 3080
Ufficio regionale

EOS North America - Novi Technical Center

28970 Cabot Drive, Suite #700
48377 Novi, MI, Vereinigte Staaten
Telefono +1 877 388 7916
Ufficio regionale

EOS North America - Pflugerville Technical Center

3813 Helios Way, #298
78660 Pflugerville, TX, Vereinigte Staaten
Telefono +1 877 388 7916
Partner vendite

Machine Tool Systems Inc.

3219 Yonge Street, Suite # 347
M4N3S1 Toronto, Ontario, Kanada
Telefono (416) 254 6298
Partner vendite


255 E Roselawn Ave, Suite 45
55117 St. Paul, MN, Vereinigte Staaten
Telefono (651) 489-6990
Partner vendite

Hartwig Inc.

10617 Trenton Avenue
63132 St. Louis, MO, Vereinigte Staaten
Telefono (866) 646-3660
Partner vendite


7755 S Research Dr Suite 110
85284 Tempe, AZ, Vereinigte Staaten
Telefono 1-800-293-7238
Partner vendite

Phillips Corporation

7390 Coca Cola Drive
21076 Hannover, MD, Vereinigte Staaten
Telefono (864) 395-7243
Partner vendite

Phillips Federal

7390 Coca Cola Drive
21076 Hannover, MD, Vereinigte Staaten
Telefono (301) 997 6097


Partner vendite

AMS Advanced Machine Systems S.A.

Av. de Los Constituyentes 4537
C1431EXK Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Telefono +54 11 4571 7460
Partner vendite

AMS Advanced Manufacturing Systems

Rua Anita Garibaldi 2418
89203-301 Joinville-SC, Brasile
Telefono +55 47 3423 2125
Partner vendite


Calle 17 No. 50-24
111611 Bogotà, Kolumbien
Telefono +57 1413 7755